In order to make a proper and neat joint, we should measure the pipe length accurately and make a visible markings using a pen. Ensure that the pipe and fittings are compatible.
We can cut the pipe easily with a sharp saw/cutter. Cutting pipe as squarely as possible(at 90o) provides optimal bonding area within a joint.
Inspect pipe ends thouroghly prior to making a joint. If a crack or splinterting is noticed, cut off a minimum of 25 mm beyond the visible crack before proceeding.
Burrs in and on the end can obstruct the flow or the proper contact between the pipe and socket of the fitting during assembly and should be removed from both in and outside of the pipe.
A slight bevel end of the pipe will ease the entry of the pipe into the fitting socket.
Using a clean dry cloth, wipe the dirt and moisture from the fittings, sockets and pipe. Dry fit the pipe to ensure total entry into the bottom of the fitting socket and make a visible marking using a dark pen.
Use only APL Apollo uPVC solvent conforming to ASTM F-493 to ensure a perfect solvent weld joint. When making a joint, apply an even coat of cement on the pipe end also inside the fitting socket.
Do not use thickend or lumpy solvent cement, it should have a flow consistency like syrup.
Immediately after applying the solvent, insert pipe into the socket. Rotate the pipe 1/2 or 1/4 while inserting. This motion ensures an even distribution of cement within joint. Properly align the fittings and leave it for 10-20 seconds to allow the joint set-up.